OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


How to RP on OngoingWorlds

This article was posted by Hosea Tuinakelo in the game New Mutants. I’m sharing here with permission because this article will be useful to all OngoingWorlds members, and people wanting to know more about play by post roleplaying. Over to Hosea:

sadaadsI’m going to give a quick run-through on how to participate in PbP (Post by Post) roleplaying. My observations and suggestions are based off of roleplaying in Ongoing Worlds, and are not in any way professional or derived from a professional standpoint. With that disclaimer out of the way, let’s get started!

Post by post roleplay to me is a story-builder. The cool thing about it is that there’s a chance that everyone can be a main character (depending on the story). Read More


Outpost 42 News is Here! They Report & Decide for You!

This article was published at the request of Major Tom, the Editor-in-Chief of Outpost 42 News, a fledgling news website for the simming & online role playing community.

Outpost 42 News is dedicated to providing you with the fastest, latest, and most relevant news about the simming and online role playing community.  In fact, we’re the most trusted fair & balanced name in news!  We will never let you down! Read More


Our most popular blog articles of 2017

It’s always interesting to look back and see which of our blog posts attracted eager readers.. Here’s the most popular from 2017: Read More


Submit your 2017 Simming Prize nomination

Tis the season to be jolly! The nomination period for the 2017 Simming Prize has officially opened! Some of you may have heard whispers as we geared up and began the hunt for judges and nominees on the low key, but now it’s absolutely undeniable that we’re open and ready for business once again! Read More


Games with the most posts this year

Here’s some stats about the busiest OngoingWorlds games so far this year, based on the number of posts between Jan – Sep 2017: Read More


Website problems & how you can help

Hi guys, you might have noticed that last weekend, the website was down for about 10 hours, which is the longest it’s been since launch :-S

I had to perform some fixes, which meant waiting on support staff at the hosting company, and ended up paying for a different hosting band to make sure the website wasn’t hitting memory limits. Which means, the hosting now costs more :-/ Read More


Our most popular articles of 2016

goodbye 2016

2016 has ended! Here’s a look back at our most popular articles of the last year:

Most popular articles posted in 2016

Starship Enterprise

  1. How will the Simming & Online Role Playing Universe End?
  2. Forget the Brexit! What about the Squexit? Top 10 Splits in RP History
  3. 12 tips for writing Star Trek fanfiction & roleplaying
  4. Star Trek’s 50th Anniversary: Your Favorite Trek
  5. Interview with Mike Bremer from Starbase 400


Most popular articles this year (from all time):

Mary Sue on the transporter pad

  1. 10 of the greatest Spock quotes
  2. A big long list of personality traits
  3. 4 rather good planet name generators
  4. 9 more movies with character flashbacks
  5. A list of great random character name generators
  6. The many different types of Mary Sue
  7. Is it wrong to RP a relationship, when you are in a relationship yourself?
  8. 10 things that annoy other roleplayers
  9. What is godmodding and why is it important?
  10. How to use Bitstrips to create a character profile image


Let’s talk about mythical monsters…

Monsters of all shapes and sizes have been stalwarts of world folklore for thousands of years. They’ve become the villains of many a film and novel – and occasionally the heroes, too! Look no further than the stars of myths and legends for some antagonist inspiration. Read More


Spam attack!

dont like spam monty pythonHi guys, OngoingWorlds yesterday had quite a bad spam attack, where loads of really annoying spammy games were created that had really weird names, filled with descriptions and characters of equally questionable content and images.

It’s all been sorted now, and we’ve cleared out the spammy games – although some of you might still notice member and character requests with weird, nonsense content. Just decline it and it’ll be deleted.

just want to say thanks to everyone who emailed and messaged me to say there was a problem, it was a great help in finding the person and deleting all his crappy spammy content!
And a MASSIVE thanks to Xan for deleting all the spammy games. It sounds like the spammer was creating them faster than he could delete them, but he won in the end! Thanks Xan, you were absolutely brilliant!
We’ve banned the user, so they shouldn’t be able to post again, but they could always come back with a new user account and a different IP address, so if this happens again, let me know guys! Thanks!


Ancient Myths Fuel Creative Storytelling

Return of Heracles gameMythology has thrilled and inspired legions of fans for thousands of years and continues to be a major influence today. Greek myths specifically continue to be a part of popular culture, in both overt and subtle ways. It’s the overarching themes of Greek mythology such as heroism, love and sacrifice, that provide such potent fuel for storytellers. For writers looking to create powerful characters with strong ideals facing difficult obstacles there are few better places to mine for ideas than in ancient mythology. Read More