OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


2018 Simming Prize Winners Announced!

This article was posted at the request of John Nugra, the Administrator of the Simming Prize.

The Simming Prize dates back to 1999 in honoring the very best of the online role playing community.  Up to five Prizes are awarded annually to people, sims, clubs, and other organizations that (1) exemplify service, quality, and dedication within play-by-post online role-playing; or who (2) pioneer new technology or techniques within the community. The Prizes can recognize a significant onetime accomplishment, or sustained contributions over a period of time.  The Simming Prize is presented in the memory of longtime role player and leader Seth Cotis.  

After careful consideration and thoughtful deliberation, the Simming Prize trustees and judges hereby award the 2018 Simming Prize to:

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Create your own Star Wars saga

Whatever you thought of the latest Star Wars movie, you might be wondering about what other stories there are to tell in a galaxy far far away…

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Best articles of 2019!

Hello! Here is a handpicked list of the best articles from 2019 (I’ve filtered out news). These have been contributed by different people from our awesome community!

Many of the articles this year were about the Simming Endeavour, which was a Game Show organised by Charles Star, which was enjoyed by lots of people! Click here to see all articles about the Simming Endeavour. Here are our best other articles:

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Yahoo Groups is dead.

This article was written by Sam Jones, who currently hosts the USS Mark Miller roleplay in UCIP. Sam previously wrote on this topic back in 2016.

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7 Great Places to Advertise Your PBEM or Roleplaying Game

Billboard that says join my play-by-post game

We’ve posted several articles over the years on how and where to advertise your games:

However as most things do, websites and resources come and go. Given that our most recent article on the topic is now over 4 years old, we thought it would be a good time to provide an update. Here are 7 areas to think about when it comes to advertising and promoting your games:

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This month is sponsored by…

Each month, the OngoingWorlds website has hosting costs that are in part covered by our Hero Members. However, we don’t currently have enough hero Members to cover the entire month’s hosting, so it’s always nice to receive a whole month’s hosting up front (there’s an option here).

This month has been very kindly sponsored by Helder Fouto, who donated yesterday.

Thanks very much Helder!

If you’d like to donate to our ongoing costs, you could donate regularly and become an OngoingWorlds Hero Member (which shows on each of your posts), or donate for a month up front, which I’d be totally grateful for!

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Outpost 42 News strikes again!

The satire role playing news blog Outpost 42 News recently hit us again with this article:

For the record, OngoingWorlds still does not accept responsibility for the internet outages of June 2nd or the asteroid that buzzed by Earth that same day. However they are correct that anyone can create any game they like on our website, including one about role playing itself!

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Become a patreon & get Hero Membership

Hero membership

You might have noticed some users on OngoingWorlds have their avatars displayed on their posts, while others don’t.

That’s because some users are Hero Members, which means they are super special and donate monthly to the upkeep of OngoingWorlds (our hosting costs money, which is paid for by members).

Displaying an avatar on a post looks something like this:

User with Hero membership

Without Hero Members donating to the monthly hosting, there wouldn’t even be an OngoingWorlds, so we should be eternally grateful to them!

Become a Hero!

You can become a Hero by donating $2 per month – You can cancel whenever you want. You’ve got 2 different options to donate:


Click the “Subscribe” button on the Donation page. It’ll take you to a Paypal donation form with $2 pre-filled.


Patreon is a service to allow communities like ours get paid, it’s a great option because it’s an easy way to donate, plus it’s a bit more visible and lets others know about us.

To donate through Patreon, click this link. Then click “Become a Patreon”.


Largehobbit Guide to Avoiding Overwhelm

Recently there was a discussion on the OW Community Platform started by Nim, titled: Another Moderating Discussion: How to Manage the Load?

This reply by Largehobbit I thought was worth highlighting, so I’ve posted it here (with permission), because being overwhelmed is something we all might feel at some point. Here it is:

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OngoingWorlds is changing its name

The new homepage

It’s pretty much obvious to everyone that this was an April Fools day joke, but I’ll leave it here for you to read:

OngoingWorlds creator, David “Onion” Ball has decided to give up making websites for a simpler life of herding beef & dairy cattle, and is planning on changing the name to match this lifestyle.

The new name will be OnCOWingWorlds, and the following games will be renamed to be cattle-themed:

The Story Forge > The Dairy Forge

Jackalope Crossing >Jackalope Cattle

OW Community Platform > COW Community Platform

Netfritia > Beef Fritters

Sliders: Unsolved Mystery > Steak Sliders

Blue Dwarf > Blue Steak

The name change will happen on the 1st of April 2019.

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