OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Bye Bye, 2020–Good Riddance!

Poussin’s Plague of Ashdod (1628-30)

2020 was unlike any year most of us have ever experienced before as the global COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc. Beyond the most unfortunate loss of life, many have also lost jobs, friendships, and more. 2020 is certainly a year none of us will want to repeat! With that said, all wasn’t bad, at least in roleplaying. We did publish a few articles that we hope you found helpful. As is our annual tradition, here are some of the best from 2020.

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Online roleplaying – Ideal over lockdown!

Hi folks, I hope you’re having a good 2020!

If you’re looking for the largest range of league of legends accounts for sale then you have to visit this site They have hundreds of lol accounts with rare skins for sale, as well as plenty of lol smurf accounts for various regions. If you want to buy league of legends account for your friends to play on the rift then be sure to check out their account store. With hundreds of level 30 League of Legends accounts for sale, there is no better place to buy your LoL accounts online than Unranked Smurfs with its excellent buyer protections and payment security, as well as full account information provided with every order.

I wouldn’t blame you for throwing that compliment back in my face, as 2020 is proving to be a turbulent year, with so much going on in the news, mostly the coronavirus pandemic, forcing so many people across the world to stay in their homes :-/

With much of our social activity now going online, one of the best ways to remain creative AND be social is to start, or take part in online roleplaying.

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Roleplaying games on OngoingWorlds based in fictional TV/Movie universes

Basing a roleplaying game in an existing world from a TV or movie franchise is a great idea because it gives everyone easy access to a world they’ve already seen.

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Some useful articles for writing about characters

many individual roleplay characters
SEE ALSO: A character doesn’t breathe until that first post

There’s quite a few articles on this website with advice for creating & writing characters that you might have missed. Here’s a list of some useful ones:

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July the 1st is Moderator Appreciation Day!

July the 1st is Moderator Appreciation Day! Please let the moderator of your game know you appreciate them by sending them a message!

If you’ve never heard of moderator appreciation day, there’s an article here, and a good video with Kim from RP Repository explaining it here.

I would like to thank the moderators of OngoingWorlds for making it a creative, engaging place for many different types of roleplaying games!

If you’d like to become the moderator of your own game (of any genre), you can create a game here.


5 tools to create a new alien species for your story

You might be writing a science fiction story, like one of the many sci-fi roleplay stories here on OngoingWorlds, like Jericho or Star Wars: Balance of the Force.

At some point your characters might find themselves on an alien planet, about to meet a new race of unfamiliar aliens. Or visit a spacestation of a different alien culture. You might want to make that species as different as possible, to give it an exciting bit of flavour, and put your characters completely out of their element.

Maybe the aliens are hostile? Maybe they’re friendly. Here are some tools that can help you come up with some unique aliens:

Fantasy Name Generators alien description generator

This page will generate a short alien description. There’s also a page for creating a unique alien name here.

Sci-fi Ideas Alien Species Generator

This creates an alien description & goes into a lot more detail than the one above, as it can create a lot of detail about the culture. Also there’s a page to generate an alien planet name for this alien species here.

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5 random generators for creating a spaceship name

Stuck for creating a name? You could use a random generator. We’ve got a big list of links to random generators for all sorts of things, character names, planet names, Elf names, etc.

But the lists below are specifically for creating a spaceship name. Different scifi universes have different rules of spaceship names. For example the Star Trek universe normally has spaceships named after famous explorers, or positive-sounding words. Whereas the Star Wars universe has aggressive sounding names.

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Star Trek Short Story Competition

The following is information about a short story competition ran by the STF roleplaying community:

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Latest sponsors

Each month, the OngoingWorlds website has hosting costs that are in part covered by our Hero Members. However, we currently don’t have enough Hero Members to cover the entire month’s hosting, so it’s always nice to receive a whole month’s hosting up front (there’s an option here).

Our latest sponsors are:

Mario Gomez aka Hextor312 and J Conrad Quinn.

Thanks very much to both!

If you’d like to donate to our ongoing costs, you could donate regularly and become an OngoingWorlds Hero Member (which shows on each of your posts), or donate for a month up front, which I’d be totally grateful for!

See our donation page here:


Coronavirus lockdown – time for creative writing with friends?

At the time I’m writing this, people around the world are staying indoors to prevent the spread of Covid-19. This lockdown period won’t last forever, but will mean you’re going to spend a lot of time indoors, & switching your favourite outdoor activities with indoor ones. If you have children, fret not because you can still have some fun in your backyard thanks to products like the best wooden playhouses for sale.

Maybe now is a good time to start writing that story you’ve always wanted to?

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