OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Non-text-based game based on text-based game!

starbug thruster

I love play-by-post games, they’re great. My favourite game, Blue Dwarf (which has been now running for 15 years!) inspired me last year to create a different type of game though. Read More


Canon vs. Original characters

Firefly castI found an article originally posted on Gnome Stew, but definitely applies to our type of text-based roleplaying. It’s a debate between using canon characters (see the definition here), and original characters you’ve made up. SOmething that applies to a lot of people who set their roleplays in an existing world, like Star Wars, Star Trek etc, or Firefly (pictured here) which has a lot of scope to explore the ‘verse without ever mentioning the show’s characters. But isn’t it cool to have crossovers?

See the original article here.



Google searches for “roleplay” has doubled in the last 8 years

graph shopwing google searches increasing since 2007

Here’s an exciting graph. Look at it. Look at it!

This is from Google Trends, which shows the amount of of google searches for topics over the years.

It’s difficult to say how many of these people searching about roleplaying ended up finding a game on OngoingWorlds, but I can tell you that last month we had at least 7,700 people finding the website from a Google search, the month before we had over 8,000.


Why setting a scene is so important

This article was first posted on Starbase 118’s blog, but I thought it was so useful I’ve posted it here. Make sure to check out their other articles with tips about writing


We all know that dialogue is important. Dialogue is how we interact with other character and it is a critical part of our simming style. We write dialogue and leave tags for other characters to interact with.

But what about the parts of a post that are not dialogue? Read More


Story summaries – April 2015

Want to know what’s been happening last month? Here’s the game summaries from games on OngoingWorlds in April:  Read More


Angel Summoner & BMX Bandit – unbalanced characters

The above video is a sketch from a comedy show which perfectly sums up a problem in many roleplaying games. Read More


Ratings are back. Back again. Ratings are back. Tell a friend!

post ratings on member profile About a month ago I removed post ratings. From the stats I could collect, this was an under-used feature, and I wanted to clean up the interface to focus on the important things, the post itself. Also I wanted to see if anyone actually noticed or cared they were removed.

It took about a week before someone asked me. We had a discussion in the OW Facebook group about this, and Max & Cheridan advocated for it to be returned, as well as an anonymous user on Tib’s survey.

So they’re back! You’ll see a 5-star system on every post in a game you’re a member of, and ratings that you receive will appear on your “My games” page.

There’s more info about post ratings here.

Question though…

There was some discussion in the Facebook group whether people should be able to rate posts on games where they’re not a member. This could be good because it could encourage users by getting more good ratings, or depressing if people get bad ratings from people they don’t know.

What do you think? Can we have a vote in the comments below? Just write “yes, free ratings for all!” or “No, only members should rate!”.


13 articles about creating a brilliant, flawed & interesting character

 I always feel that when I'm making a character, it's the flaws they have that really makes them who they are.

On this blog we’ve posted many articles about creating characters, but over time they’ve been pushed back in the archive, so here’s some handy links to ones that you might be interested in reading if you’re creating a new character, or to show to one of your newer members who’s struggling creating a new character. Read More


Avoid using “very” because it’s lazy

These two images were posted by Kurt in our Facebook Group a while ago. I’m posting them here because I thought it might be interesting & useful to fellow writers.

Avoid using very because it's lazy. A man is not very tired he's exhausted. Don't use very sad, use morose. Language was invented for one reason, boys. To woo women. And in that endeavour, laziness will not do Read More


Barriers to entry

Barrier to entry

I recently saw an article on Gnome Stew about the barriers to entry in roleplay games, and how you should really avoid them, it prompted me to post a discussion on RPG-Directory about other people’s experiences and opinions about what are barriers to entry, and how to remove them. Read More