OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Need new members? – Don’t Forget Your Friends

Friends can be roleplayers too

The wait can be unbearable. It can be a year or a week. But however long we have to wait for the next episode of our favorite series, we can’t wait for that day to come (or year, though that can test our patience; we’re looking at you, Sherlock!). But then we have the inevitable problem: have our friends watched it yet? Why does that matter to us? Because we like sharing things that interest us with the people we care about.

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Share Your 2013 Role-Playing Memories

This article was written by Josh from SimmingNet.

Retro space cityAs we step into 2014, we no doubt have some favorite memories from 2013. Whether it was a funny scene you wrote for your character or a cherished memory associating with your fellow writers, we’d love to hear about them! Share your cherished role-playing memories of yesteryear on Twitter with the hashtag #BestSimMemory2013. You can also post them to the SimmingNet Facebook page or to Ongoing Worlds.

We’ll curate and collect them and share our favorites with you later.


All good things – 10 years of USS Providence

The USS Providence

This article was written by FSF Josh. The phrase “All good things must come to an end” resonates with many Star Trek fans. That was a key line and the title theme of Star Trek: The Next Generation’s final episode. For many fans, that held true. The series had developed into a mature science fiction show that in many ways eclipsed the original show from the 60’s. Its 7 year span had brought many adventures to the screen for fans to enjoy. Read More