OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Where to Advertise Your Game: 2025 Edition

Billboard that says join my play-by-post game

It’s been nearly four and half years since our last advertising update. While the billboard above might be the same, the landscape has certainly changed!

Check out our lists below to find the best places to advertise your play-by-post game.

Discord is King!

Not only is Discord a central hub for many of today’s simming and online role playing groups, but it’s also home to many recruiting specific servers:

Check out other Discord Servers too!

While they are not advertising specific, these do allow ads:

And don’t forget to attend SciWorld, FallFest, Khitomer, and Babel while you’re at it!

Facebook Groups

Facebook has long been a fertile ground for advertising:

Other Social Media Sites


Other Other Sites

Here are other websites where you can participate and maybe even advertise your game. However, always use caution here and be sure to read and understand all of the site’s rules before advertising.


What better way to get your name out there than to win an award?

Past Articles

How has recruiting changes since years past? Quite a bit!

You can also check out these classics on recruiting: