OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


SciWorld is Coming!

Sciworld - celebrate roleplaying

Greetings and salutations everyone,

In April we had completed selection of the host for SciWorld this year and after giving the host some time to prepare we are happy to announce that Theta Fleet will be hosting this year’s SciWorld. Theta Fleet is a well-known organization in the simming community and so we are happy for their willingness to help us with this year’s event. Kathryn Burke the TFCO has graciously taken on the role of chair for the event and has already been actively working on planning the coming SciWorld for everyone to enjoy.

It has been decided that this year’s 20th SciWorld Online Convention will be held on June 11th 2022 starting at 11 AM Eastern Time (-4 UTC) and with closing ceremonies at 6 PM Eastern Time. This is a lovely chance for simmers and role players of all types to get together, chat, share ideas, play fun trivia games and experience the larger community that role playing has to offer in hopes of building new bonds, furthering our own knowledge and sharing our love for role playing together without regard to affiliation, position or rank.

Another interesting piece of information; as has been discussed previously there is an interest in voice panels in addition to our normal text based rooms. Theta Fleet and the Organizing Committee have decided that, for those with an interest; starting this year we will begin to hold voice panels. This is a grand development and I only hope that this will be one of the many improvements we can make to the community’s conferences/conventions based on community feedback and participation in helping to make our hobby continue to flourish for many years to come. If you would like to hold a text or voice panel, presentation or trivia game please reach out to Kathryn Burke on Discord at NinjaDuck#8880 or by reaching out to her via email kathryn (dot) burke (at) thetafleet (dot) net. (E-Mail has been parsed and converted into words to prevent spam and mail fetching programs from catching it.). We hope to see you at this years SciWorld! I will provide any further updates and a tentative schedule as we get closer to June 11th. Feel free to join our Discord server prior to the start of the conference to chat, prepare or if you have any questions at

SimmingHub Organizing Committee