OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


SciWorld Host Needed!

Good day world,

It is indeed time for us to once again plan for the year… In part of that planning we need help getting ready for SciWorld. This is an annual event where role players and simmers can meet up with others in the community, mingle with each other, learn something new or just have fun. In getting ready we need to select a host and chair for SciWorld. The chair is an individual from the host organization who serves as the point person to coordinate the schedule, advertising, and logistics. More specifically, the host and chair will work with us here in the SimmingHub Organizing Committee to:

• Select a date and time for festival (a Saturday sometime within May, June or July)
• Design a unique festival logo.
• Recruit approximately 8-12 volunteers to run individual one-hour events.
• Work with those volunteers to create unique and engaging events (discussions, sims, and trivia games) that represent and support the interests of the broader community.
• Assist SimmingHub Moderators in maintaining and organizing the Discord Chat Rooms.
• Promote and advertise the festival.
• Host opening and closing ceremonies on the day of the festival.
• Attend all events (usually two at the same time) to ensure that they run smoothly. The host can also appoint people to help them with this if they have life obligations that cause them to have to set away.
• Be ready to improvise when things don’t go as planned.
• Post-festival, provide a list of lessons learned and feedback from the community for SimmingHub to improve on later festivals.

The host should be a strong, robust club willing to provide the chair with all of the required volunteers and resources. Members of the host club/sim must be ready to attend the festival to help make it a success. In short, the host must fully back the chair.

The chair must be highly organized, self-motivated, and possess superior attention to detail. More importantly, he or she should be patient with others and willing to compromise when necessary. It takes a special person to run one of these events–it’s a HUGE job!


Applications will be reviewed by the SimmingHub Organizing Committee in Mid-April following the above criteria. Applicants should highlight their past experiences, capabilities and the traits that would make an exemplary candidate to host the festival. The host & chair may be selected before the review period based on community input. Unsuccessful applicants will not be revealed to the public. A member of the Organizing Committee will notify all applicants of the selection before the official announcement. Additional information may be requested from applicants before a decision is reached.

The application window will close on April 6th 2022 at 11:59pm Pacific Time (Note this change from past years; SimmingHub Administrative staff follow US Pacific Coast Time). All applications should be emailed to conhostapps (at) tnuproject (d0t) org. If you do not receive a receipt confirmation email within 24 hours, please resubmit.

Requested information:

• Host name (club)
• Host URL
• Year Host was founded
• Chair (person)
• Chair’s e-mail address
• Year Chair began simming
• Why should this host & chair be selected? (≤ 250 words)

SciWorld is a special time for everyone, but especially for the host & chair. For a few short hours, the entire simming and online role-playing community will circle around you–It is one of the biggest events in simming. Those memories will last a lifetime.

Best of luck to all applicants! And for everyone else, see you at the twentieth SciWorld!

Josh (Atsumari)
SimmingHub Organizing Committee