2020 ToS: Submit Your Nominations Today

2020 has finally come to a close, which means it’s time for the annual Tournament of Simulations (ToS) competition. For those who may not be familiar with ToS, this is where you can enter your role play to potentially win a prize at no cost or risk to you! Judges from around the community go through all of the entries and grade them on story, characters, and readability. All sims will be considered, regardless of any club or fleet affiliation. We then present awards to the top-scoring games. The games that don’t place are not announced. That’s right: you’ve got nothing to lose, so why not enter?
Okay, enough on that. How about we get on with the nominations…
First, read this article: How Does the Tournament of Simulations (ToS) Work?
Second, take a look at the past winners: 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019
Third, submit your nomination(s) to me at star [dot] idf [at] gmail [dot] com with the subject ToS: Nominee Name and include the following by January 31, 2021:
- Your Name
- Your Email
- Nominee Name
- Nominee Genre (e.g., Star Trek, Star Wars, X-Men, original horror, etc.)
- Nominee Category: Play-by-Post (message board, email, Nova, etc.) or Chat;
- Nominee club or fleet affiliation (if applicable)
- URL for first post to read (Play-by-Post; the judges will read this and the next 9 posts) or chat log (Chat):
- Backstory (≤ 250 words, optional)
- Poststory (≤ 250 words, optional)
- Yes/No – I am interested in also serving as a judge (this will not affect your nominee’s chances of winning in any way)
- Anyone may enter any game that they are a part of:
- Players: role plays they participate in
- Hosts: role plays they lead
- Club leaders: role plays in their clubs
- Plus anyone else
- There is no limit to the number of nominations one may make
- Games that do not place will not be announced–so there’s nothing to lose from entering!
- But don’t throw a temper tantrum if you don’t win (not everyone can win!)
- All posts and chat logs must have been originally posted in 2020
- Posts and chat logs must be open for public viewing and not password protected
We need Judges!
As always, please contact me at star [dot] idf [at] gmail [dot] com if you’re interested in serving as a judge. The more judges we have, the quicker we can announce winners.