2019 Simming Prize Winners
This article was posted at the request of John Nugra, the Administrator of the Simming Prize.

The Simming Prize dates back to 1999 in honoring the very best of the online role playing community. Up to five Prizes are awarded annually to people, sims, clubs, and other organizations that (1) exemplify service, quality, and dedication within play-by-post online role-playing; or who (2) pioneer new technology or techniques within the community. The Prizes can recognize a significant onetime accomplishment, or sustained contributions over a period of time. The Simming Prize is presented in the memory of longtime role player and leader Seth Cotis.
After careful consideration and thoughtful deliberation, the Simming Prize trustees and judges hereby award the 2019 Simming Prize to:
- October Veritas of UCIP: For her years of selfless service to her sim, her fleet, and the greater role playing community. The longtime host of the award-winning USS Vindicator, current President of UCIP, and tireless volunteer for larger events, October has done it all. Always willing to do the little things that make others around her better, she’s one of the rare talents who excels at both the intricacies of role playing and broader leadership.
- Charles Star of Independence Fleet & Bella of the USS Odin: For production of The Simming Endeavor role playing game show. A truly innovative concept, Charles and Bella brought together 13 contestants from the community to role play in a reality show environment. For 12 weeks, they masterfully blended guest personalities and unique challenges for the players with an elegant overall visual theme. They created a brand new experience and executed it flawlessly.
- Outpost Phoenix: For its two decades of role playing excellence. For over 20 years, Outpost Phoenix has kept a fresh, engaging real-time chat-based sim going despite most of the rest of the community settling in exclusively with play-by-post. The freeform role playing style has led to a rich and thrilling sim lore that continues to build upon itself. This has also fostered a deep sense of community among the players who meet weekly to keep the tradition alive and thriving.
These winners are all now entitled to use the honorific Simming Prize Laureate. Congratulations to each for their excellent contributions to the simming community! To view the specific award citations, please visit the official Simming Prize website.