The Simming Endeavor: Episode 12 (Finale)

Hello, and welcome to the final edition of The Simming Endeavor, the online role playing elimination game of skill, luck, and cunnning. I’m Charles Star, and I’m your host. As you probably already know, this experiment is both sim and game show at the same time. The contestants role play together in the play-by-post sim we created on the Ongoing Worlds platform while weekly blog posts here simultaneously serve as game show episodes. Last week we announced our two finalists. This week, one will be named champion and receive the top prize of $100 USD. Who will it be? Largehobbit or Corliss Fortune?

Whoever it is I’m just glad to be here. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us…

there’s usually a lava episode where the opponents beat each other with foam paddles. Can we do that?!

For those viewers new to the game, we started back on September 8th with 13 contestants. One contestant has been voted off each week by the others to land us with our final two. Here’s the footage from their introductions back in episode one:

Hi, I’m Largehobbit from Ongoing Worlds. My preferred role play genre is dystopian fantasy/sci-fi, my favourite game show is Bullseye, and I started simming in 2016. I’m here to create and contribute to new worlds in which I can stretch my imagination and improve my writing skills alongside other like-minded players/writers.
Largehobbit blogs about The Simming Endeavor on the OW Community Platform.

Hi, I’m Corliss Fortune from the USS Gorkon of UFOP: Starbase 118. My preferred role play genre is sci-fi with hints of romance, my favorite game show is Family Feud, and I started simming in 2008. I’m here to make friends and meet new people!

As we announced in that original episode, the game’s winner will be voted on by the nine eliminated contestants who created characters. To open this 12th installment, I’d like to ask both finalists this question: What qualities and strategies led to you getting to this point?

The biggest thing to know about me is I have no strategy until it slaps me in the middle of the night with IDEAS. XD So uh. Mostly it’s just what I always love to do:world building! Setting a scene and making relationships and watching things flow! Beyond that I pretty much flew by the seat of my pants. As is life.

Qualities? An open mind and a big imagination.
Strategies? Take it one week at a time, get involved and most importantly enjoy myself!!

Excellent. Before we let Largehobbit write October out of the story, I think it makes sense to first introduce the special guest for our final week…

Hi, I’m Ametheliana from Star Army.

Hi, I’m Mark Hyacinth from the USS Ariadne of UCIP.

Hi, I’m Tabitha from Star Trek: Borderlands.
Tabitha blogs about The Simming Endeavor on the Star Trek: Borderlands Blog.

Hey, I’m Messenger of Heaven from Roleplay Wiki.
Messenger of Heaven blogs about The Simming Endeavor at Messenger’s Pirate Cove.

Hi, I’m Sparky from Roleplay Wiki.

Hi, I’m Avakhon Khinsharri from Broken Lands Alliance RPG.
Avakhon Khinsharri blogs about The Simming Endeavor at Broken Lands Alliance RPG.

Hi, I’m Mavis from the ISS Asha of Pegasus Fleet.

Hi, I’m Zuzutoo from Neverending Stories.

Hi, I’m October the USS Vindicator of UCIP. Remember me?
October blogs about The Simming Endeavor on the UCIP blog.



Oh, I suppose I should have said special guests in the plural.

Yes!! So great to have everyone back for the final. Hope you have all had a great few months and for those who have been reading along I hope we have kept you suitably entertained!!

You and your secrets, Charles, haha.

There’s more… They’re not just the special guests this episode, they and their characters are also returning to the role play for the final week. All characters and positions are hereby restored to their week 2 status. Have fun writing that back in, everybody! No need to write out October now either.

Aji! waves Also, sweet…this is going to be amazing!

Lmao this should be fun. I sense a highly entertaining and somewhat chaotic week is incoming.

And… there’s no challenge post this week.

Huh? None?


Instead, all of you together are to end the mission that you began back in September. Contestants and special guests, you have until 12:00 noon EST on Thursday to complete your in-story mission. I recommend extreme caution. Enjoy.

As a crew, we’ve decided to end the story with “Endeavor End Game”

And with “Epilogue – Starship Endeavour”

Thank you. With the in-story taken care of, it’s time to get down to business–naming a champion. The nine voters… this is your chance to ask either or both of the two finalists a single question. Simply state who the question is for and then ask your question.

For both finalists: How has this competition changed the way you look at simming or writing in general?

Anytime I write or play with someone new, it’s so surprising to see someone else’s point of view on things! Writing styles, opinions, crafting their own ‘world’, it’s invigorating! And I like to think that we all take a little piece of each other away when we write with someone or read their posts.

I have never seen simming as a competitive challenge before so that has been an interesting new slant on things. From pushing ourselves for the weekly challenges to our in post sparing Mr Klingon which have produced to some real (and some fish) magic. It adds a whole new level of excitement to the experience! It has taught me to bring my A Game when posting as October would put it. Oh Hi October 😉

For Largehobbit and Corliss: Do you feel that you’ve grown as both a writer and a person from this experience? Why or why not?

Absolutely, this competition has stretched my imagination and taught me to play to my strengths. Learning from different and talented writers like yourself has also been an amazing experience. Thank you.

It’s certainly helped my ‘detailing’! I can see the scene in MY eyes, but it’s putting it out there for others to see that used to trip me up. I think I’m improving in that, at least.

For both: What do you feel the other survivng contestant’s best post was and why?

Every time the oreo came into view, I just went into hysterics. But ye gads, man, the Demon Barber post was my fave…I have a weakness for Johny Depp and musicals, okay?! Plus it was the gloomy atmosphere of the London world we were in.

I have to go with the Road Trip. Quentin Tarantino meets the Terran Empire for a high octane team up from two of my favourite simmers 🙂 If I were to reach back further then I am taking us to the Mansion of Horror and the waxy fate of poor old Jenny. Good times… good times.

First of all, congrats to you both for making it so far! My question is, if you had the opportunity, would you do something like this again?

Thank you! Yes I definitely would. It’s important to keep challenging yourself especially as a writer. Maybe not for a few months though lol. I have Simms to catch up on!

Absotively posilutely! But uh, as Hobbit said, maybe in a few months. I’ve juggled it pretty well, it’s more of a sometime treat…like ice cream!

This question is for both: In your opinion, and please be honest with me. Have you enjoyed yourselves and who was your favourite character, apart from your own and why?

I have ABSOLUTELY had the time of my life!!! Ya’ll are so amazing and have so many wonderful ideas! Fave character…I love you, Aji, but I have to give props to Eight. I’m a sucker for characters that have to fight the basis of what they are with who they want to be.

This has been an amazing experience and I have loved every minute. My wife has forgotten what I look like I have had my face buried in my laptop so much and the chance to write with such amazing and talented people is not to be missed!! Favourite character wow. I loved Sokir and Eight but I’ve gotta go with Aji as there was an immediate synergy between my little space hobbit and the diminutive Tamian.

To both contestants I want to ask you, in what ways have you seen your own characters grow and develop the most in this simming challenge?

Great question. Bolak started as a jolly little barkeep, and then London happened. It gave him depth as a schemer and purveyor of dark secrets, setting him up for his return to the mantle of Captain of the FFS Fessarius. He’ll always be a jolly space hobbit at heart though.

Zazi was meant to be a super serious, kind of mean, doctor. I gave her two small personal details and set off. She went from a standoffish doctor, to a…’if you die I’ll bring you back just to yell at you over how stupid that was’ type of attitude haha. She made friends, and she saw the death of someone fairly close to her. She’s going to need so much counseling after this haha.

First off I want to congratulate you both on being making it to the finals, but my question is if you could’ve chosen to bring back a contestant after elimination who would it have been and why?

Story wise…I’d say Tabitha, honestly. I’m a big person on characterization and seeing said character evolve over time, and I honestly think she had a longer story that would have been amazing to read. Personally? Zuzutoo, just because Aji and Zazi were close, you know? Plus, Zu’s ideas and mine mesh pretty swell, if I do say so myself.

Thanks it’s been a hell of a ride!! Oh bring them all back, seriously Charles had the right idea this week lol! Characters like Tabitha and Sokir were really sad to lose early on as I feel they had depth and needed space to develop into the story. I think they’d have come out really strong in later weeks if we’d kept them in. But yeah the last few weeks have been a killer Zu and October (Yes yes I know that was me) you want them back as soon as they’re gone, but Charles demands blood… 😉

Fantastic questions. Sparky and Mark Hyacinth, do either of you have a question?

No question from me.

None here either.

Excellent. One more thing to do before we take the final vote to decide the winner. I’m going to give each finalist a chance to make their case to the voters in 100 words or less. As a reminder, the eliminated contestants can vote for whomever they like for whatever reason or reasons they like.

Corliss we brought zombies to the final. Zombies…. Legendary 🙂

If we didn’t do something daring, darling, you’d tire of me 😉

The winner of a die roll will get to decide whether they go first or second. Whoever goes second with the rebuttal will get to hear the other contestant’s pitch before making their own. Largehobbit, since you’ve won more challenges than Corliss Fortune, you get to pick three numbers from the standard six-sided die.

One, three and six.

And that leaves two, four, and five for Corliss. Let’s roll…

*refrains from making a lame rolling joke*

Tries to think of lame rolling joke and fails. Where’s Avakhon when you need him!!?


A two! Corliss, would you like to make your case to the judges now or later?

I’ll let Hobbit take the stage~! (I’ll clap from the audience, Hobbit! 🙂 )

*bows to Corliss. Thanks 😉

Largehobbit, in 100 words or less, please tell the voters why they should pick you to win.

ON: The Green Room
Mok sat leafing through a copy of Gun Fighters of the Outer Rim, while Bolak paced the floor.
“What is wrong with you?” Mok demanded.
“We have one hundred words to get everyone to vote for Largehobbit.” Bolak moaned.
“You convince them, he’s killed me off!” spat Mok.
“Oh don’t sulk.” replied the Linnik.
“So you tell me! Why should they vote for him?” asked Mok.
Bolak answered, “Well… he’s creative.”
Mok Laughed.
“He has a passion for the game!” Bolak countered.
“And we’ve run out of words.” Mok chortled.
“Damn it.”

Thank you, Largehobbit. Corliss Fortune, it’s your turn. In 100 words or less, please tell the voters why they should pick you to win.

Beauties and Gentlebeauties, I stand before you, a mere humble Andorian. Through tragedy, drama, weird brownies…Borg invasion…we have stayed strong. We have faced adversity. You know me, we’ve laughed together, laughed harder together, looked at memes together. We’ve combined ideas and plots and eagerly threw the storylines into the world to see them flourish. I appeal to your inner human, that squishy little emotion deep inside you.
And know that I would make a fine President. I have shown great leadership in my time as temporary captain an-
…What do you mean ‘this isn’t the presidential election campaign’?

Thank you, Corliss. It’s time… It’s that time we’ve been working toward since the beginning of September. It’s time to cast your ballots to determine the champion of The Simming Endeavor. Voters, to be clear, you are voting for whom you want to win, not whom to eliminate. Please cast your ballots now. Finalists, good luck.

Corliss it has been an honour I wish you all the best.x

Wait, I don’t have all my potions in me-oh you didn’t mean…Pokémon Champion. Very good!


Corliss Fortune… I felt she’s done the most growing as far as her writing and I think the hidden point of this entire endeavor was to push us to our limits and force us to expand on our talents.

Darn you Charles this is an impossible decision. These are my favorite players and characters in the game. I have no desire to vote one over the other, but its all about you and your blood lust Charles… Corliss is a joy to write with. I love Aji and Zazi camaraderie through nasty horrible situations. I think “Road Trip” was the real ending for me in this game. Hobbit is absolutely hysterical and a gifted writer. He has been a great companion for this journey since September. And he’s got the secret stash of Tranya. The dice say…. no, not going there. Largehobbit is my vote for the sheer level of insanity he has brought to the game.

This was a really tough call because both of the remaining contestants are great writers. Largehobbit’s posts have always made me laugh. From Bolak being mistaken for a kid to the magic brownies. He’s got a great sense of humour that really shines through in his writing and he’s done really well to wrap up the plot and bring it to a satisfying end. Corliss’ posts were always thoughtfully written and I loved her handling of my character during the open roleplay challenge and when she wrote her out after I was eliminated. I enjoyed interacting with her character, Zazi, a lot. My vote for the winner is Corliss Fortune, but I want to congratulate you both on getting so far! 😊

Corliss Fortune for the win. As I see it, she has brought us down some wonderful rabbit holes, including London. But dollar for dollar, Hobbit was not as creative for me as Corliss was. That’s NOT to say he wasn’t imaginative, he was very imaginative, but not creative and I think that’s what set Corliss apart form him and everyone else. THAT and he enjoys a good PUNishment from a certain Klingon!

I choose Largehobbit, he had a great imagination.

Largehobbit was my favorite contestant and the contestant I would like to vote to win.

I vote for Corliss Fortune to be the winner!

In case anyone’s counting, that’s four votes for Largehobbit and four votes for Corliss Fortune. Fortunately, we have one last ballot to count. Mavis–our Captain for most of the adventure–tell us, who won The Simming Endeavor?


I vote for Corliss Fortune 🙂

Congratulations, Corliss Fortune! You are the champion of The Simming Endeavor!!! You’re the winner of the grand prize of $100 USD!!!

Holy kit’n’caboodle!! Ya’ll, I’m gonna like, tear up for real. We’re all champions, yo! We represented our separate ships and fleets proudly, and I like to think we made this endeavor a fierce one, one that will be very hard to live up to! As my quote says, ‘Time is weird. So is space. I hope ours match again someday.’ Hobbit was a tough opponent as was everyone here, and I hope to keep in touch with you all in the coming years \o/

Corliss you are a star. Much deserved and so happy to have shared the week with you!!! Guys it’s been amazing, thank you for a wild ride 🙂

Congratulation Corliss. You worked very hard, and you put forth a ton of good ideas. You deserved to win.

Yay Corliss! Congratualtions! Aji has a big hug for you.

YAY CORLISS, I always knew you were special!

GO CORLISS!!!!!!! Congratulations, girl! You earned it!

Congratulations Corliss!!! 🎉


Congrats! Well done!


When the walls fell!

And well done to you as well, Largehobbit! To get this far and finish in 2nd place out of 13 contestants is no small feat. In addition to $50 USD, we have some hardware for you too:

That’s small foots!

Hobbit you were AMAZING! Cheers!!!

He’s a serious literary bad mamma jamma, ain’t he?

And congrats too you too Largehobbit! It was great fun writing with you both.

Congratulations Hobbit, Well earned indeed.

A NO expense paid trip to OLD EARTH LONDON and it’s pre-technoligical days of yore!

We also took a vote from the contestants on their favorite fellow contestant from throughout the competition. That award is actually a three way tie among October, Mavis, and Zuzutoo! Great work!

Awww guy!!!! I love y’all!!! Thank you!

You liked me. You really like me.

*wolf whistle* Ya’ll really take the cake!

Gratz guys!!

Well done guys!

October was ALWAYS my FAV, especially after THE MEETING between us!


Speaking of October, not only did she take home 3rd place last week, but she also had the most challenge post wins this competition with five, a record that will likely stand for some time.

I seriously want to thank the judges that awarded me these wins and I eagerly await the day that someone breaks this record.

Congratulations October! I loved Vaanaras. She was a great character.

Oh dang, get it, October!!!

SHE is the premiere writer!


Finally, there’s actually something else here for everyone. I’d like to officially present the Ongoing Worlds Community Honor to Largehotbbit, Avakhon Khinsharri, Tabitha, October, Messenger of Heaven, Sparky, Ametheliana, Mavis, Mark Hyacinth, Corliss Fortune, and Zuzutoo for your participation as a contestant on The Simming Endeavor. As I said in the first episode, I commend you for taking a risk to be a part of something that, at the time, I couldn’t even fully explain. You all are undoubtedly the best the community has to offer.

Oh wow. I didn’t expect this! Thank you so much Charles! 😊

You should be honoring yourself for coming up with this idea, Charles, you managed to create a group where instead of trying to back stab one another we actually came closer together and became a family. Thank you for this opportunity and giving us new friends.

Thank you everyone, It has been a joy and honor to journey with you through this.

Oh heck yeah, that looks amazing! And thanks to you too, Charles! You made it all to begin with!

Wow fantastic!! Thank you!

I’d like to thank the Academy, without whom this award would not. . . Wait this isn’t the Oscars? Ohh that’s AFTER the movies come out and sell wildly, I see!

Largehobbit & Avakhon Khinsharri
Tabitha & October
Messenger of Heaven & Sparky
Ametheliana & Mavis
Mark Hyacinth & Corliss Fortune
& Zuzutoo

Before we sign off, I want to give a special thanks to Bella, my partner in crime in putting on this whole show. Without her graphical talents, The Simming Endeavor simply doesn’t work. She’s put in countless hours to make the game attractive, fun, and more for everyone.

It’s been a blast, Charles, and I’ve been glad to be here! Congratulations to everyone for the good work!

Glad we had you around to keep old Charles sane through this craziness he has put himself through lol!!

Thank you, Bella! She’s a legit gem.

Thank you for all of the graphics Bella!

Bella’s the best!


Thank You Bella!

Oh, there is one more thing… The Simming Endeavor game show may be ending today, but your adventures can certainly continue: The USS Endeavor will remain active on the Ongoing World platform. Feel free to keep role playing as long as you like, allow new players to join, and to start new missions. In fact, Bella’s been working on something to that end:

DUDE! I’M SHOOK! I freaking love it!!!!

SWEET pic Bella!

Exhibit A in Bella being the best!!!! (Aji you look up to trouble! XD)

Awesome work on the picture Bella. This is very very cool!

Lmao brilliant!!!

This is The Simming Endeavor.

USS Endeavor role play | Ongoing |
Episode 1 (Introduction) | September 8, 2019 |
Episode 2 (Abdication) | September 15, 2019 |
Episode 3 (Déjè vu) | September 22, 2019 |
Episode 4 (Humor) | September 29, 2019 |
Episode 5 (Others) | October 6, 2019 |
Episode 6 (Change) | October 13, 2019 |
Episode 7 (Switch) | October 20, 2019 |
Episode 8 (Action) | October 27, 2019 |
Episode 9 (Return) | November 3, 2019 |
Episode 10 (Random) | November 10, 2019 |
Episode 11 (Decision) | November 17, 2019 |
Episode 12 (Finale) | November 24, 2019 |

“Not So Tall Tales”
“Keeping Morale High”
“Kobayashi Maru”
“The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. ..”
“Goonies Never Say Die”
“Ascent into Madness”
“Etre à L’ouest”
“The Death of Mok”

Lt. Cmdr. Zazi Sh’viakrik
“Whoooo Are You, Who Who, Who? WHO?!”
“Red Alert: Stolen Face”
“Hostess With The Mostest”
“Everyone Wants To Learn Battle Ballet”
“Sunshine Can Melt Ice”
“Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone”
“Mansion of Horror, Part 1”
“Trees In A Storm”
“Road Trip”
“Borgs and Birthdays and Bolak, oh my!”
Fan Voting Results!


A Special Thanks to all of our Guests!

David Ball
of Ongoing Worlds

James “Rook” Mirtoh
of Independence Fleet

Major Tom
of Outpost 42 News

Misty Diamond
of 22nd Fleet

of Ongoing Worlds

James D. West
of Independence Fleet

John Nugra
of UFOP: Starbase 118

of Ongoing Worlds

of Ongoing Worlds

Charles Star
