The Simming Endeavor: Episode 11 (Decision)

Hello, and welcome back to The Simming Endeavor, an online role playing elimination game of skill, luck, and cunnning, with a top prize of $100 USD. I’m Charles Star, and I’m your host. This experiment is both sim and game show at the same time. The contestants role play together in the play-by-post sim we created on the Ongoing Worlds platform while weekly blog posts here simultaneously serve as game show episodes. Visit Lorraine Music to know about latest web series and shows. Last week we saw our number reduced from four three. This week it’ll go from three to two.

One might say a dynamic duo!!



Zuzutoo’s exit post is here.

Thank you, Largehobbit. Moving on… Just as with last week’s guest, our guest today is also well known within Ongoing Worlds. She’s been a member of many different games and has made contributions all over the map. Your special guest this episode is Blitzen of Ongoing Worlds. Welcome, Blitzen!

Thanks Charles! The Browncoats over on the Lunar Veil have been enjoying the game from our corner of the Black, we’re super excited to be a part of it.

A Browncoat?! RIGHTEOUS! We’re totally stoked to know you’ve been reading out awesome misadventures!

Nice to meet you!

How Shi Sung Chung!

Well, I know I’ve had a good time!

We wanted to make this week’s challenge something fun now that you’re back in your Trek element by finding a little of our universe in yours. Contestants, your challenge this week is to scavenge your story for the following objects associated with our ‘Verse:
- A brown coat
- A Stetson (cowboy) hat
- Upthrust – in any context
- A dog eared copy of “Gunfighters of the Outer Rim”
- Some clove cigarettes
- Prayer beads
- A satchel – bonus points if it’s full of ill gotten goods
- A jar of peanut butter – bonus points if it’s expired
- A large box, bonus points if a live person is for some reason inside
- The words “And we’re back” – in that order
- A birthday cake because the Lunar Veil just celebrated its first year on Ongoing Worlds!

That does sound fun! Up to this point, the challenge posts have been left mostly up to your own interpretation. We’re being very specific this week.

that. Is a lot. I hope we can entertain you with our posts!

Can’t wait to get stuck in!!

Oh sweet! This should be a gorram blast!

As you’ve probably already figured out, the gravity of this week’s challenge is immense: Whoever wins immunity will effectively get to choose their opponent for the final episode. That is not lost on Blitzen.

Yes, I’ll actually be consulting with my game’s Co-moderator on selecting this week’s winner. Good luck Trekkers! We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Neither can we! Haha!

So…. Two judges? Now that’s novel.

Good luck guys!!!

As a reminder, Blitzen and all of our special guests grade challenge posts based on quality, originality, and readability. Contestants, your challenge post must be submitted by 12:00 noon EST on Wednesday. Are there any questions?

Can we ban the use of dice this round? 😉

That depends on you. Or rather, after next week, that won’t be a problem… for any of us. Simmers, your challenge begins now. Good luck!

Hi, I’m Largehobbit from Ongoing Worlds. My challenge post is “The Death of Mok”
Largehobbit blogs about The Simming Endeavor on the OW Community Platform.

Hi, I’m Corliss Fortune from the USS Gorkon of UFOP: Starbase 118. My challenge post this week is “Borgs and Birthdays and Bolak, oh my!”

Hi, I’m October the USS Vindicator of UCIP. My challenge post for this episode is “Serenity”
October blogs about The Simming Endeavor on the UCIP blog.

Blitzen, welcome back. How did you find the challenge posts?

Shiny! Winters and I had a great time on our literary scavenger hunt. Great, great stuff, you all aimed to misbehave and absolutely nailed it.

I’m glad to hear it. Since we only have three candidates left. Let’s hear from each of them on why they think they might win–in the order the posts were received.

Well Charles, this week I made a blood sacrifice to earn the favour of the Judges, placing my favorite NPC on the sacrificial alter sprinkled with cloves and peanut butter and consecrated with Bajoran prayer beads and a reading from Gun Fighters from the Outer Rim.

Borg in a box – Genius! We loved your mix of comedy and drama, Mok’s sacrifice tugged at the heartstrings, and Bolak hailing from his own ship made for an excellent ending. Bonus points for using Gorram and the quote from “The Message”

It was hard, trying to tall all the elements in! But I like to think I at least accomplished some continuity with my story, bridging the posts together and the like.

You said it was hard but you made this look effortless! Peanut butter and octopus was disgustingly amazing! We again love Borg in a box (who doesn’t?) and you had a lot of great descriptions throughout the story.

I feel like I have a shot because Firefly is so gorram high up on my nerd totem pole. A marriage between Trek and Firefly just feels natural to me… Probably because I spend a pretty hefty amount of time in a Stetson and a duster in real life with the horses and that western/ag lifestyle. That said… Even with the multiple challenge elements, I think this post of mine feels organic and fresh… Not to mention it was actually “scavenging” for things… Well… People… And the ill gotten goods in the satchel were definitely ill gotten. I definitely loved this challenge way too much.

Pregnant and in a firefight? High five for the girl power! We liked your use of the objects, it felt like a hidden object game which was a blast to read! (Leather trenchcoat, umber colored) Bonus points also for the use of Gorram and the quote from “Bendis”

Wow. High praise for all three posts. Tell us, who won this week?

I can’t watch…

c’mon lady luck!

Drum roll! Wait don’t actually roll the drum…!

All of them were awesome, but our gold medal goes to Largehobbit for keeping us so entertained on his wild ride.

Congratulations, Largehobbit, you’ve won this monumental immunity this week!

Literally lost for words…so very very grateful and proud and… so very very dreading what comes next. Can I stop reading here?!

Well done! Definitely was a great read.

Aaayyyy Hobbit!!!

Blitzen, thank you for a fantastic week. All the best!

Thank you for the opportunity, Charles. It was super hard to pick, you are all incredible writers kudos to all!

Thanks again, Blitzen!


Noooo! Don’t go because next I have to go be the bad guy! Eek

Largehobbit has immunity this week. Contestants, cast your ballot for elimination now.

…I can’t vote for myself >< so um. October! Sorry :/

Corliss Fortune… because no choice… Gorram it.

Largehobbit, tell us… Who is leaving this week?

So I don’t use dice. Never have. I choose, and then every week and I just say the name. I do that because if you are voting someone off I think the last thing they want to hear is a platitude from the guy that helped vote them off. But I cant just say a name this week because I am writing with two amazing people here who I have enjoyed chatting and plotting with for how long now? October is an absolute goddess of words who at times leaves me in complete awe of her ability to paint a scene and build drama, while Corliss? Well she gave us London and thanks to her the adventure was taken to a whole new level of excitement and intrigue! She has a delightfully wicked sense of humour and a masterful ability to twist and turn the plot without breaking continuity which is so essential in a successful Simm, and this after all this is a Simming Competition. She is also our sitting captain and I am not a man that likes to break rank. So here it is, I am with great regret voting out October.

That’s one vote for Corliss Fortune, and two votes for October. I’m sorry October, but you are eliminated from The Simming Endeavor. Please provide any final words and indicate who you want to write your character out of the story.

Where do I even begin? It’s been a seriously amazing ride and I’m deeply honored to have been able to represent UCIP all the way through to a solid top 3 win. Every week provided incredible writing and entertainment and I truly believe I’ve met people during this experience that I’ll remain friends with for a long looooooong time. 5 wins is a solid record and you can bet your bottom dollar that I’m extremely proud of it and not hanging my head or upset about any of this in the least. LargeHobbit… Dude… You are a BEAST when it comes to dialogue and I’m there for it. Corliss… Your sense of humor gives me life. It’ll be a tough fight to the finish between you guys and I look forward to watching y’all duke it out to the very bitter end. All my love to you guys and more! Stay awesome, Gotham! Largehobbit will write me out.

We will miss you, October! You were amazing!!

It has been an absolute pleasure to write with you.

Well done, October. You’ve placed 3rd! In addition to wining $25 USD, you get to take home some nice hardware: This awesome 3rd place button designed by Bella. You also won 5 weekly challenges along the way… a record that I think will stand for some time even if we’re crazy enough to produce multiple future seasons of this thing. You had a great run! Congrats!

And that gives us our two finalists.

Yes it does, Largehobbit and Corliss Fortune. A question to both of you: How do you feel heading into the final week of the competition?

How do I feel? Excited, exhausted, nervous and at the same time gutted because we had to lose another great writer and the whole thing is nearly over!!

Excited! Nervous! Because, you know, this is the end of the competition, so the ‘end’ of our …episode? This’d be an amazing first episode to watch, won’t lie. But yeah, it’ll be…bittersweet I guess? If we end it haha.

This is The Simming Endeavor.

Tune in here to Ongoing Worlds next Sunday, November 24th for our finale episode as we crown a champion!
USS Endeavor role play | Ongoing |
Episode 1 (Introduction) | September 8, 2019 |
Episode 2 (Abdication) | September 15, 2019 |
Episode 3 (Déjè vu) | September 22, 2019 |
Episode 4 (Humor) | September 29, 2019 |
Episode 5 (Others) | October 6, 2019 |
Episode 6 (Change) | October 13, 2019 |
Episode 7 (Switch) | October 20, 2019 |
Episode 8 (Action) | October 27, 2019 |
Episode 9 (Return) | November 3, 2019 |
Episode 10 (Random) | November 10, 2019 |
Episode 11 (Decision) | November 17, 2019 |
Episode 12 (Finale) | November 24, 2019 |

Lieutenant Vaanaras
“H Is Not For Oreo”
“It Came From Beneath the Replicator”
“Preying Mantis”
“From Wild Geese to Unicorns Part 1” and “From Wild Geese to Unicorns Part 2”
“A Fall From Grace Part 1” and “A Fall From Grace Part 2”
“Strange Things Did Happen Here Part 1” and “Strange Things Did Happen Here Part 2”
“There Was Snow”
“No Stranger Would It Be…”
“Etre à L’ouest”
Vote for your favorite contestant!
That’s right, we’re presenting fan awards too! Email your picks to Charles Star at star [dot] idf [at] gmail [dot] com by Saturday, November 23rd.
1) Who would you choose to win between the two finalists?
- Largehobbit
- Corliss Fortune
2) Who was your favorite contestant throughout the competition?
- Largehobbit
- Avakhon Khinsharri
- Tabitha
- October
- Messenger of Heaven
- Sparky
- Ametheliana
- Mavis
- Mark Hyacinth
- Corliss Fortune
- Zuzutoo