The Simming Endeavor: Episode 5 (Others)

Hello, and welcome back to The Simming Endeavor, an online role playing elimination game of skill, luck, and cunnning, with a top prize of $100 USD. As you’re already well aware, I’m your host Charles Star. As you’re also already aware, this experiment is both sim and game show at the same time. The contestants role play together in the play-by-post sim we created on the Ongoing Worlds platform while weekly blog posts here simultaneously serve as game show episodes. Last week was well, you know, a little funny!

Yes yes, we know we know.

Oh man last week was the best. I love humor. It is my life.

Hehe yeah, last week’s challenge was a lot of fun. Looking forward to finding out who our special guest is this week!

You can read Mark Hyacinth’s exit post here.

Largehobbit, it’s becoming somewhat of a tradition for you! This week’s special guest is someone whom I know you’re all very familiar with. He is perhaps the greatest person in the history of simming and online role playing.

I wonder who it is….Hmm.

We’re on the edge of our seats!

Wil Wheaton?

He’s a creative genius, a brilliant writer, and the most marvelous leader of all time. This week’s special guest is…



Wait what? I am pretty sure you can not be host and guest, on account of the host is supposed to well…host the guest. Does my logic seem right? If not forget it I am weird.

ROFL. Charles, you might win an award for Roleplay but not for modesty . So, what have you got in store for us this week then?

GASP. What a twist! A good twist!

Not Wil Wheaton.

That’s right, I’m not only your host, but also your guest. As a few of you might know, I’ve been a proponent of open role playing for some time now. It’s where you not only write for and develop your own character, but your write for and develop the characters of other players as well.


Contestants, your challenge this week is to write a post where you write for and develop at least three of the other player-controlled characters without their direct input in the spirit of open role playing. There’s more… I won’t be judging the challenge posts like past guests have.

This might be the hardest challenge yet for me! I’m not used to Open Roleplay. In the games I’ve played, it’s against the rules to play another player’s character without their permission/ input so this is very much new territory for me. I promise I will do my best and I’m looking forward to seeing what people come up with.

oh. Huh. Iiiinteresting….I must admit that’s going to be a little hard, I don’t normally move other characters around!

Instead, you all will rank the other posts eight posts one through eight. Eight points for each first place vote, Seven points for each second place vote, and so on. The posts will be ordered by the total number of points from the other players. Who better to grade your posts than the creators of the characters you’re using?

And so the sun sets in another happy day on the Endeavour as Charles casually pulls the pin and drop a hand grenade in the middle of the remaining contestants.

This is interesting! Shaking things up for the 5th episode Charles?

This is new. I love it. Gives us a chance to see how the others view each post.

Oh dear..

Are there any questions?

Do we need permission to write the other characters for the challenge?

Absolutely not. As a reminder to everyone, you all will be grading challenge posts based on quality, originality, and readability. Contestants, your challenge post must be submitted by 12:00 noon EST on Wednesday. Your challenge begins now. Good luck!

Yeah yeah yeah, we got it. ::muttermutter::

Good luck everyone!

Off to the races!

Hi, I’m Tabitha from Star Trek: Borderlands. My challenge post this week is “First Impressions”
Tabitha blogs about The Simming Endeavor on the Star Trek: Borderlands Blog.

Hi, I’m October the USS Vindicator of UCIP. My challenge post for this episode is “From Wild Geese to Unicorns Part 1” and “From Wild Geese to Unicorns Part 2”

Hi, I’m Largehobbit from Ongoing Worlds. My challenge post is “Consequences”
Largehobbit blogs about The Simming Endeavor on the OW Community Platform.

Hi, I’m Zuzutoo from Neverending Stories. For my challenge post, I wrote “Points of Contact”

Hi, I’m Sparky from Roleplay Wiki. My weekly challenge post is “Captain…TAKEN OVER?”

Hi, I’m Corliss Fortune from the USS Gorkon of UFOP: Starbase 118. My challenge post this week is “Everyone Wants To Learn Battle Ballet”

Hi, I’m Avakhon Khinsharri from Broken Lands Alliance RPG. My challenge post is “Electric dreams Part 1” and “Electric dreams Part 2”
Avakhon Khinsharri blogs about The Simming Endeavor at Broken Lands Alliance RPG.

Hi, I’m Mavis from the ISS Asha of Pegasus Fleet. For my challenge post, I wrote “Romulans gone… Tranya time!”

Hi, I’m Messenger of Heaven from Roleplay Wiki. My challenge post this week is “Split Reality”
Messenger of Heaven blogs about The Simming Endeavor at Messenger’s Pirate Cove.

Welcome back, Charles.

Why thank you, Charles!

For the love…

What the heck is this? I want to laugh right now.

Can you say Megalomaniac? I knew you could.

I imagine him saying it into a mirror, you know?

Contestants, based on your own rankings, the top three posts were from… October, Corliss Fortune, and Zuzutoo. All three of you, please step forward.

*Me? Really?!

M-Me?! Oh! I’m so excited!!

These were three of my favourite posts this week. All three of you chose to play with my character. I must admit that I was initially very nervous about other people taking control over Eight but I could tell that you guys did your research because you got her voice really well and made me feel like I was worrying over nothing! Congratulations guys, I think you all deserve immunity!

In that order, why do you think you might have won this week’s challenge?

This week I feel like I might win because I took the time to research each character’s voice, use it properly, and invested in a smooth continuance of the game timeline while employing a ‘go big or go home’ attitude. Here’s hoping that showmanship and respect pays off.

I have a love of building up characters through their histories, and while I was hesitant to use other people’s characters without the knowledge of what they wanted to build up for them, I was eager to see how I could use my own character and see their advances through her eyes. I really think it shown out through this challenge!

I read very closely through my fellow competitors character profiles and previous posts in a sincere attempt to do justice to their characters.

That’s good advice, Zuzutoo… because you won this week’s challenge and have immunity! Congratulations!

You like me, you really like me!

Whooohooooo Zuzutoo.

Zuzutoo earned a whopping 56 points, which included five first place votes! Second place was… a tie. October and Corliss Fortune each earned 44 points. However, I’m going to give the tie breaker for second place to Corliss for having two first place votes to October’s zero. A 4, 5, or 6 for immunity. Corliss, let’s roll…


A four! Congratulations, Corliss Fortune, you’ve also won immunity this week!

I’m melting with excitement, I can’t even tell you!

Tell her what she’s won Charles! That’s right Corliss, you’ve won a NO EXPENSE paid trip to IMMUNITY! Congratulations on your new safety from leaving us!

Yay Corliss!

October, your turn. A 5 or 6 for your own immunity or a 3 or 4 to transfer immunity to someone else. Let’s roll…


A five! October has won immunity as well! Three immunities! Are you sure it isn’t time for a colorful metaphor?

That’s a lot of immunity. Happy Dice.

Clean Sweep!

Oh wow, and you all got immunity! Congratulations Zuzutoo, Corliss and October 😊

Well that is good for them. Great job guys.

Zuzutoo, Corliss Fortune, and October each have immunity this week. Contestants, cast your ballot for elimination now.

I’m sorry, but Avakhon Khinsharri.

Messenger of Heaven.

Tabitha, sorry but you did not have any real story to yours.

Tabitha.. her post wasn’t very original at all but more of a combo of other posts other contestants have done.

Tabitha is my choice for elimination this week.



Going on the posts I have to vote for Messenger of Heaven.


That’s one vote for Avakhon Khinsharri, two votes for Messenger of Heaven, and six votes for Tabitha. I’m sorry, Tabitha, but you are eliminated from The Simming Endeavor. Please choose whom you would like to write your character out of the story and provide any final words for the remaining contestants.

It’s been fun playing with you all. I had a feeling this challenge might be the one to end it for me as it was the one I found the most difficult. Good luck to those remaining 😊 Would Coroliss write out Eight for me please? Id love for her to rejoin the Collective 🙂

We’ll miss you, Tabitha!!! Absolutely, friend! I’ll get write (hah) on it!

It’s been a pleasure getting to know you.

No, now I have guilt. This is a terrible power you have given to us Charles. So long Tabitha it is been fun.

Tabitha, it’s been a pleasure. You provided some unexpected excitement to the game and were fun to watch. All the best. Remaining contestants, I’ve decided to change the game for next week. While I originally announced that the second and third place immunity awards would end after episode 5, I have decided to extend them through episode 6. Good luck! This is The Simming Endeavor.

Tune in here to Ongoing Worlds next Sunday, October 13th for Episode 6 as the remaining 8 contestants face their 5th challenge!
USS Endeavor role play | Ongoing |
Episode 1 (Introduction) | September 8, 2019 |
Episode 2 (Abdication) | September 15, 2019 |
Episode 3 (Déjè vu) | September 22, 2019 |
Episode 4 (Humor) | September 29, 2019 |
Episode 5 (Others) | October 6, 2019 |
Episode 6 (Change) | October 13, 2019 |
Episode 7 (Switch) | October 20, 2019 |
Episode 8 (Action) | October 27, 2019 |
Episode 9 (Return) | November 3, 2019 |
Episode 10 (Random) | November 10, 2019 |
Episode 11 (Decision) | November 17, 2019 |
Episode 12 (Finale) | November 24, 2019 |

Lieutenant jg. Eight of Eleven
“Why Would Anyone Think I’m The Captain?”
“Background Scans”
“Brexit and the Borg”
“First Impressions”