The Simming Endeavor: Episode 3 (Déjè vu)

Hello, and welcome back to The Simming Endeavor, an online role playing elimination game of skill, luck, and cunnning, with a top prize of $100 USD. I’m Charles Star and I’m your host. As a reminder, this experiment is both sim and game show at the same time. The contestants role play together in the play-by-post sim we created on the Ongoing Worlds platform while weekly blog posts here simultaneously serve as game show episodes. Last week was quite eventful: we changed Captains, introduced our characters, started our mission, and sent not one, but two players packing.

Last week was insane I can’t wait to see what happens next!

Last week was like a whirlwind! There was so much going on it felt like every day brought something new and unexpected.

Super eventful, expectations were waving wildly!

Well they were only slowing down the WARP speed we are traveling at now! IF they had been KLINGON we’d have given them an honorable death.

We also drank several bottles of Tranya.

Tonight is going to be somewhat of a change of pace. This week’s special guest is one of the finest simmers I’ve ever role played with, though you probably don’t know his name. Comfortable in all positions from the bottom up to host, he’s not only an exceptional writer, but also extremely skilled in getting others involved in subtle ways. Without any further ado, here’s perhaps the best role player you’ve never heard of, James “Rook” Mirtoh of Independence Fleet. Welcome, Rook!

Thank you, Charles, especially for saying all those nice things about me that are not true. And let me add, this is somewhere I certainly never dreamed of being when I began simming all those years go. In fact, I don’t think I ever imagined such a place existing at all.

It’s great to meet you Rook. With an introduction like that from Charles, I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!

I’m glad we get the chance to meet you Rook!

Welcome to the roller coaster, Rook! What have you got in store for us?

Simmers, your challenge this week is to write a post where your character does something in the background or behind the scenes that changes things for other characters in unexpected ways. That’s it, have fun with it!

Thank you, Rook. A simple challenge, yet one that could be taken in an endless number of directions. As a reminder to everyone, Rook and all of our special guests grade challenge posts based on quality, originality, and readability. Contestants, your challenge post must be submitted by 12:00 noon EST on Wednesday. Are there any questions?

How’s our story so far? I love making the plot up as we go but I always get nervous about making it too…out there, I suppose? (We ARE in a nebula, so I guess ah, no limits on the weirdness.)

The story is fantastic.

Am I the only one that thinks that James looks like Chuck Norris?

I hadn’t noticed, but now that you mention it, yes!

How many BORG does it take to screw in a light bulb?

I don’t know. Try asking Tabitha. Simmers, your challenge begins now. Good luck!

This one sounds a bit more difficult than last week’s. Nervous but also excited. Can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with!

Good luck everyone this challenge sounds tricky.

Let’s do this people!

MUAHAHAHA! I mean…. Yes, Sir! Thank you, Sir!

The beast at Tanagra!

Hi, I’m Tabitha from Star Trek: Borderlands. My challenge post for this week is “Background Scans”
Tabitha blogs about The Simming Endeavor on the Star Trek: Borderlands Blog.

Hi, I’m Largehobbit from Ongoing Worlds. This week I spread some unexpected happiness around the ship in my challenge post “Keeping Morale High”
Largehobbit blogs about The Simming Endeavor on the OW Community Platform.

Hi, I’m Mark Hyacinth from the USS Ariadne of UCIP. My challenge post is “Anonymous Gifting”

Hi, I’m Corliss Fortune from the USS Gorkon of UFOP: Starbase 118. My challenge post this episode is “Red Alert: Stolen Face”

Hi, I’m October the USS Vindicator of UCIP. My challenge post this week is “It Came From Beneath the Replicator”

Hi, I’m Avakhon Khinsharri from Broken Lands Alliance RPG. My weekly challenge post is “Virtually Impossible Part 4”
Avakhon Khinsharri blogs about The Simming Endeavor at Broken Lands Alliance RPG.

Hi, I’m Zuzutoo from Neverending Stories. For my challenge post, I wrote “Racing through the dark”

Hi, I’m Sparky from Roleplay Wiki. My challenge post this week is “Authorized Argument”

Hi, I’m Ametheliana from Star Army. For my challenge post I wrote about Sokir in the background in my post “You Had Me At Aloe”

Hi, I’m Mavis from the ISS Asha of Pegasus Fleet. My challenge post is “Practice Makes Perfect….”

Hey, I’m Messenger of Heaven from Roleplay Wiki. For my challenge post I wrote “Off Course”

Hello, Rook, and welcome back. How were the challenge posts?

They were great! Very inventive given the open ended nature of the challenge.

Fantastic. And who were your top three?

My top three were the posts by Largehobbit, October, and Mavis.

Well done guys I feel honoured to be in the top three with you again. Great writing!!

Holy crap!

Top 3 again! Woohoo! 🙂

Two weeks in a row! You guys are on fire 😊. Congratulations to all three of you!

Congrats guys …… again.

Congratulations, I would agree they were best.

Hmmm interesting. And highly illogical as the odds of such an occurrence is precisely 4,357.563 to one AGAINST such an incidence. Without more data, one could logically presume the data to be skewed in her favor.

Wow, you and David Ball think alike! He had the same top three last week. Largehobbit, October, and Mavis, please step forward. Each of you, in that order, why do you think you might have won this week’s challenge?

I have to be in with a shout after giving out those special brownies…

This post had me rolling! What a way to have a large impact on a lot of people while being out of the main story line. Well done.

This week I’m honestly not sure how things will go. I was definitely being nursed by Viking Dan while writing this challenge post, tore up my ankle and it’s hard to concentrate. I guess my overall writing style and penchant for realism, plausibility, and detail MIGHT just save my hiney. We’ll see.

Very well written, this post gives great insight to two really unique characters, and the writer has certainly done their homework on Vorta and Tellarites! Evocative writing, with just the right amount of humor thrown in.

Well I was a bit stuck this week especially being on early shifts at work. But I thought we could test out the crew and see what happens!

Gotta love a good combat post in the spirit of testing the crew’s mettle. Well written, it had me on the edge of my seat. Nicely done!

October… congratulations, you’ve won immunity this week! You had the top post.

I said it once, I’ll say it again; Holy crap! Thank you!

I was a witness to the greatness that is Viking Dan. Quite a sight to behold.

Largehobbit, your post was #2. Mavis, your post was #3. Largehobbit, just as we did last week, I’m going to roll a standard six-sided die for you. A 4, 5, or 6 will result in immunity while a 1, 2, or 3 will result in no reward. Let’s roll…

May fortune favor you all!

Rattle those D20s…I mean D6!

Keep rollin’, rollin’, rollin’

Come on Hobbit, Immunity! Immunity!

Your dice can not harm me, my wings are like a shield of..


A one! I’m sorry, but no reward here this week.

Steel…ah oh well. P.s. if you got the Batfink reference you are officially old 😉

Boo! Sorry Large Hobbit, Robbed by the dice.


Mavis, your turn. A 5 or 6 will result in your own immunity, a 3 or 4 will allow you to grant immunity to another player, and a 1 or 2 will result in no reward. Let’s roll once more…

*rattle rattle*


Another one! Snake eyes tonight! I’m sorry, Mavis, but there’s no reward for you either.


Two ones? What are the chances? Well, on a six sided dice 0.0283. Bad luck today!

Awww…your post was so good Mavis, I really enjoyed it too. But the dice do what they want apparently.

And I soon wanted a holiday too… 😛

Rook, thank you again for your help with our game this week. I wish you all the best with all your future role playing endeavors.

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. The best to you as well. Contestants, good luck!

As Rook leaves us tonight, it’s time for us to take care of some unpleasant business. It’s time vote one of you out of the game. October is the only one with immunity this week. Contestants, cast your ballot for elimination now. It could be anyone. It could be you… a distinct possibility.

Unpleasant indeed. I would rather just take the competition out and Role Play with everyone.

Voting? Voting. Darn it. Um. *tilts head back and forth

Avakhon Khinsharri.

Avakhon Khinsharri.


I…I guess I’ll stick with my first choice on my list, Tabitha. I really don’t wanna choose anyone.

Ametheliana is my pick for elimination.

Ametheliana. Her posts had the least to do with the challenge that I could see. Character development so far has been minimal and lack of real interaction has placed her outside of the game’s concepts.

I choose Zuzutoo.

Roll of the dice says Largehobbit.

This is starting to be unpleasant, but I would say Ametheliana, mainly because I didn’t realize what character was in the post when I read it.

Well Charles as the Captain I hate to see anyone go and I really don’t want to vote anyone off! That’s why I’m using a random number generator to cast my votes. Unfortunately that goes to… Sparky.

I choose to eliminate Messenger of Heaven through random misfortune.

That’s one vote each for Tabitha, Zuzutoo, Sparky, and Messenger of Heaven. Two votes apiece for Avakhon Khinsharri and Largehobbit. And finally, three votes for Ametheliana. I’m sorry, Ametheliana, but you are eliminated from The Simming Endeavor.

It was fun being a part of something so unique!

I’m really sorry to see you go Ametheliana. I loved your post for this weeks challenge and I wish I’d gotten an opportunity to play with your character more. It was nice to get a chance to meet you 😊

This is truly the worst part of the game. Thank goodness for random generators! Still, not pleasant at all. It was a real pleasure to have you with us and continued success with all of your writing.

Bye Ametheliana, keep in touch!!! We’ll miss you, of course!

I’m sorry to see you go, bye Ametheliana! …and sorry for voting for you Largehobbit.

Darmok and Jalad on the ocean, Kailash, when it rises. Kiazi’s children, their faces wet.

Ametheliana, it’s been a pleasure. I don’t normally disclose the challenge post rankings beyond one, two, and three, but you finished fourth this week. So close to a shot at immunity! Before you go, who would you like to write your character out of the story?

I choose LargeHobbit to play my character.

Thank you, Ametheliana. One last thing: our Director of Art, Bella of the USS Odin has an announcement to make for our 10 remaining contestants.

Yes, if anyone still needs graphics or avatar help, please let me know. I am standing by to assist.

Thank you, Bella. Until next week, this is the Simming Endeavor.

Tune in here to Ongoing Worlds next Sunday, September 29th for Episode 4 as the remaining 10 contestants face their third challenge!
USS Endeavor role play | Ongoing |
Episode 1 (Introduction) | September 8, 2019 |
Episode 2 (Abdication) | September 15, 2019 |
Episode 3 (Déjè vu) | September 22, 2019 |
Episode 4 (Humor) | September 29, 2019 |
Episode 5 (Others) | October 6, 2019 |
Episode 6 (Change) | October 13, 2019 |
Episode 7 (Switch) | October 20, 2019 |
Episode 8 (Action) | October 27, 2019 |
Episode 9 (Return) | November 3, 2019 |
Episode 10 (Random) | November 10, 2019 |
Episode 11 (Decision) | November 17, 2019 |
Episode 12 (Finale) | November 24, 2019 |