OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


The new OngoingWorlds Discord server


How many of you make use of the Chatbox up there in the corner of the site? Judging by what I’ve seen I would guess not very many. Which is a shame because I think there is real potential for better roleplay, for getting your game noticed, and for meeting new people if it was used.

So, with that in mind, I have set up a Discord server for Ongoing Worlds, and it would be great if people could start to join. Registration is quick and easy and not only will you be able to connect with and share ideas with other members of Ongoing Worlds, you will be able to find any other server for your interest. It will be worth your time, I would say.

Discord is, basically, a chat room with voice capability (don’t worry, you don’t need to use the voice function!). Think of it as a step up from IRC in terms of what it can do. There are different channels to talk about specific topics, different roles depending on what level of control you have over the server, and updates could even be set up to alert you when a new post is posted in your game. Any other ideas you have would be most welcomed by me. is the address you need to go to be invited to the server. I hope to see you there.