OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Online Role Players & Pokémon Go

Editor’s Note: This article was published shortly before Pokémon Go’s February 16, 2017 Gen 2 update.

The mobile application Pokémon Go was released a little over seven months ago today.  Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you know what a big hit it was.  Indeed, almost immediately it broke multiple download and revenue records for mobile apps.  According to Wikipedia, it has been downloaded more than 500 million times worldwide.  While the game’s popularity has waned since its initial summer 2016 burst, many people still play it.  In case you actually are hiding under a rock, Pokémon Go is a mobile augmented reality game where players travel to real world locations to catch wild pokémon, collect useful items, and battle against others users in pokémon gyms.  In short, it’s great fun!  A study even that found Pokémon Go iss better at getting people active and moving than fitness apps.

There have been many other disruptive games & apps in the past.  In March 1999, the MMORPG Everquest was released, and its popularity quickly grew.  According to many simmers and online role players of the day, the game immediately affected the community by making recruiting more difficult.  Many potential simmers instead preferred to spend their free time with Everquest than to join a new role play.  By 2000, there were reports of active simmers disappearing from the community entirely as they become more engrossed with Everquest.  Eventually leaders began referring to the whole episode as the Evercrack Epidemic due to the game’s addictive nature.  Ultimately, Everquest ran its course and the role playing world continued on.

Fortunately for us, Pokémon Go, despite its massive popularity, didn’t have the impact on simming and online role playing that Everquest did.  However, quite a few of us do in fact play the game.  I decided to ask some role players about it.  Here are their responses in no particular order:

1. John Nugra of UFOP: StarBase 118

  1. Do you play Pokémon Go? No.
  2. Seriously, you do play Pokémon Go, right? Nope, never been interested.
  3. All kidding aside, how many Pokémon are in your Pokédex? N/A
  4. You mean you really don’t play Pokémon Go? See Question 2.
  5. Do you at least have a favorite Pokémon? Dead ones?  Just kidding…. Don’t play.
  6. You know you can download it from the App Store or Google Play for free, right? Yep. Google has reminded me multiple times already.
  7. So when are you going to start playing? See Question 2.

2. Myrkul Sharr of Obsidian Fleet

  1. Do you play Pokémon Go? Not anymore.
  2. Seriously, you do play Pokémon Go, right? Used to, it’s not a good game.
  3. All kidding aside, how many Pokémon are in your Pokédex? I don’t recall.
  4. You mean you really don’t play Pokémon Go? No.
  5. Do you at least have a favorite Pokémon? Jigglypuff.
  6. You know you can download it from the App Store or Google Play for free, right? Been there, done it, meh.
  7. So when are you going to start playing? I doubt I’ll play it again, the features have never improved and I’d rather continue with Pokémon Sun.  At least that isn’t a cash cow.

3. Sam Jones of Sixth Fleet

  1. Do you play Pokémon Go? Yes and no.  I have played it, just don’t do much these days.
  2. What level are you on? 14.
  3. How many Pokémon are in your Pokédex? 54 caught, 67 seen.
  4. What is your highest CP Pokémon?  What is its CP? Flareon, 1066 CP.
  5. What is your favorite Pokémon? Flareon.
  6. What do you most like about the game? The augmented reality aspect.  It is kind of neat to see pokemon appearing “in real life.”
  7. What do you least like about the game? Two things:  One, the absolute absence of spawn points in rural areas, and two, the fact that if you only play casually, there is no way you’ll ever win a gym.


4. October Veritas of USS Vindicator (UCIP)

  1. Do you play Pokémon Go? Negative.
  2. Seriously, you do play Pokémon Go, right? No, seriously, negative.
  3. All kidding aside, how many Pokémon are in your Pokédex? A whole whopping zero.
  4. You mean you really don’t play Pokémon Go? Truly.
  5. Do you at least have a favorite Pokémon? So I herd you liek Mudkips. I Liek Mudkips.
  6. You know you can download it from the App Store or Google Play for free, right? Yeah, but that would take time and space away from things like Pinterest.
  7. So when are you going to start playing? On the 12th of Never.

5. Mike Bremer of Starbase 400 (Bravo Fleet)

  1. Do you play Pokémon Go? No.
  2. Seriously, you do play Pokémon Go, right? No, but my son does.
  3. All kidding aside, how many Pokémon are in your Pokédex? All kidding aside, 0.
  4. You mean you really don’t play Pokémon Go? Never have.
  5. Do you at least have a favorite Pokémon? Only one I know is Pikachu.
  6. You know you can download it from the App Store or Google Play for free, right? Yeah, but I rather play Clash of Clans & Boom Beach when I’m bored.
  7. So when are you going to start playing? I’m not. Now, when Harry Potter Go is released, I might play it. Too bad there’s not a Star Trek Go.


6. Kiri of ‘Souls RPG

  1. Do you play Pokémon Go? Yes.
  2. What level are you on? 30.
  3. How many Pokémon are in your Pokédex? 141.
  4. What is your highest CP Pokémon?  What is its CP? Gyarados, 2848 CP.
  5. What is your favorite Pokémon? Lapras.
  6. What do you most like about the game? Getting me to go outside.
  7. What do you least like about the game? Getting me to go outside.


7. Barry Craik of Star Trek: Borderlands

  1. Do you play Pokémon Go? Used to, before it bugged out on me.
  2. What level are you on? 16.
  3. How many Pokémon are in your Pokédex? 90.
  4. What is your highest CP Pokémon?  What is its CP? A CP 1046 King Crab, or whatever they are called, the top tier version of Krabby. [Editor’s Note: That is called a “Kingler.”]
  5. What is your favorite Pokémon? Eevee, how cute?
  6. What do you most like about the game? Learning new things about places I’ve known for years through the info provided at the pokéstops.
  7. What do you least like about the game? Living outside a city, it takes forever to level–fewer people means fewer pokémon, and fewer pokéstops.


8. Silent Hunter of Phoenix Roleplaying

  1. Do youplay Pokémon Go? No.
  2. Seriously, you do play Pokémon Go, right? No, I don’t.
  3. All kidding aside, how many Pokémon are in your Pokédex? [No response]
  4. You mean you really don’t play Pokémon Go? Yes, I have better uses for my time. Like playing Star Trek: Trexels and other games.
  5. Do you at least have a favorite Pokémon? Raichu.
  6. You know you can download it from the App Store or Google Play for free, right? Well, I wouldn’t pay for it.
  7. So when are you going to start playing? When Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane.


9. Mark Hyacinth of USS Ariadne (Sixth Fleet)

  1. Do you play Pokémon Go? No.
  2. Seriously, you do play Pokémon Go, right? No, I do not.
  3. All kidding aside, how many Pokémon are in your Pokédex? None, because I do not play. lol.
  4. You mean you really don’t play Pokémon Go? I really do not play Pokémon Go.
  5. Do you at least have a favorite Pokémon? Snorlax.
  6. You know you can download it from the App Store or Google Play for free, right? Yes, I do.
  7. So when are you going to start playing? I’m not, thanks. 🙂

10. Falk of Federation Sim Fleet

  1. Do you play Pokémon Go? No.
  2. Seriously, you do play Pokémon Go, right? Hell no.
  3. All kidding aside, how many Pokémon are in your Pokédex? What the [edited] are you talking about?
  4. You mean you really don’t play Pokémon Go? Yep, never ever have played Pokémon… EVER.
  5. Do you at least have a favorite Pokémon? I know who Pichachu[sic] and Charizard are, and that’s stretching it thanks to pop culture.
  6. You know you can download it from the App Store or Google Play for free, right? Yes, I know.
  7. So when are you going to start playing? NEVER… freakin’ spying app… collectin’ all the data… GET OFF MY LAWN!

11. David Ball of Ongoing Worlds

  1. Do you play Pokémon Go? Yes, I did play Pokémon Go in the first week it was launched, and played it for maybe three weeks.  I enjoyed it as a social experience: Three of us from the office would go for a walk at lunchtime and visit all the pokéstops in the surrounding area. It’s insane how popular it was, I remember that almost everyone we walked past was also playing.
  2. What level are you on? TBH, I don’t know what level I got to…
  3. How many Pokémon are in your Pokédex? …or how many Pokémon I collected…
  4. What is your highest CP Pokémon?  What is its CP? …and I never got involved in fighting for a gym–the competition was just too intense!
  5. What is your favorite Pokémon? Oh I like the classic non-evolved Pikachu!
  6. What do you most like about the game? The best thing about it I think was when I visited friends in Stratford-on-avon, a place I don’t know too well, and used Pokémon Go to visit real places of interest.  I found it interesting that reality had these different layers.  The real layer, and the virtual, but occupied the same physical space!
  7. What do you least like about the game?  Not long after the launch of Pokémon Go, I played an even better augmented reality game when visiting Venice, which was a great experience.  I wrote about it here.


12. Stuart Collis of

  1. Do you play Pokémon Go? Yes.
  2. What level are you on? 23.
  3. How many Pokémon are in your Pokédex? 93.
  4. What is your highest CP Pokémon?  What is its CP? Vaporeon at 2112 CP… Make that 2202 CP–I had stardust. 🙂
  5. What is your favorite Pokémon? Charmander.
  6. What do you most like about the game? I’m addicted. How should I know?
  7. What do you least like about the game? I don’t like that for us people in cold environments that they took away the ability to do anything from your vehicle.  While I understand this is a safety feature, it makes the game nearly unplayable during the winter.

Of our 12 respondents, five play the game and seven don’t.  And just in case you were wondering, I do indeed play Pokémon Go myself.  I’m on level 31, have 143 pokémon in my pokédex, and my most powerful is a 2869 CP Rhydon.  Favorite pokémon?    Squirtle, because it was the first one I caught.  Sorry, no rankings this time time like we had with the Star Trek 50th Anniversary post–there just isn’t enough data here.  Are there any Pokémon role plays out there?  Not that I know of… but perhaps it’s time!  Let’s go role play… and catch ’em all!

Thank you to everyone wrote provided content for this article… and for being a good sport!