Mr Xanadu’s Inspirational Inspiration
Sometimes it’s hard to come up with a good idea for a post. I for one usually end up writing numerous copies of the same post before actually putting it up (I’ve also got OCD, but that’s for another blog article). Sometimes we can’t post because we’re lost in the stories, other times it’s because real life is draining us, but one of the all time biggest problems is because we have no inspiration. I don’t need to go on a tirade about how essential inspiration is when writing, because you’re all aware of it already.
In my spare time, I tend to make pictures and artwork using Garry’s Mod (as you may already be aware of, from reading my last article). A lot of them are made just for gits and shiggles, and just sit around gathering dust. So, as my gift to you all (“you all” being the RP community), I’m uploading some of the pictures here to the blog for everyone to use for inspiration.
Below you’ll find a picture depicting a situation, along with a short paragraph that you can use as a springboard. Feel free to use these for either posts, games, fanfics, or whatever. All I ask is that you guys leave links to what you’ve used them for in the comments! Seriously, share your work, I’d love to see what you guys do with these pics!
(Most are sci-fi or modern, I’ll try to create some fantasy ones for another article)

The Coalition had been fighting the technologically advanced Alliance for several months now. The Alliance had managed to break through the Coalition defenses, making it all the way to the super-cities in the Coalition core. However, even with the staggering losses it had suffered, the Coalition didn’t give up, waging a fierce guerrilla war against the aggressors.

Nobody knows where the Gargantua came, but it came with a vengeance, tearing through City-55’s outer wall in mere minutes and causing destruction beyond comprehension. By the time the City Self Defense Force had time to react, the creature had already pushed deep into the city. It was now a fight for survival as the creature grew stronger with every passing minute….

Auria’s tiny self-defense force was no match for the mighty army of the Ectoran Empire. In three days, Auria had surrendered and the occupation began. Soldiers rolled into the towns and enacted martial law. It wasn’t long before selection started for work programs, and the freedom the Aurians had come to know was gone. There was, however, a faint glimmer of hope on the horizon…..

The crew of the space tug Cobalt made their living pulling freight through areas of space that no other ships would cross. Today was a usual trip through the Hydra Nebula. However, lidar picked up a strange signature in the cosmic dust ahead…..

Betty and Suzette had spent the last few days surveying planets for mineral deposits. Their shuttlecraft had broken down, leaving them stranded (and bored) in the Gamma System. However, as they conducted repairs, somebody…or something…reached out to them from the planet below, beckoning them to the surface of the strange world…..

It had been months since the newly independent New Vegas kicked the NCR out of Nevada. However, after numerous failed subversive operations, the NCR rangers finally found something that could topple the new regime, but it would take them into the deadliest region of the wastes that anyone had ever seen….

The Commander was skeptical about letting the damaged ship dock. His compassion had gotten the best of him, and now, because of it, something was loose on the station. Hundreds were dead, and there was no way off. A small group of crew had managed to survive, and were now armed, and ready to take the fight to whatever had been killing their comrades….

Raven 2-1 had drawn the short straw, being sent deep into quarantined Boston to escort two CDC agents on a sample-gathering mission. Even with helicopter support, Lieutenant Hendricks was nervous about going face-to-face with the infected. As they set down in the red zone, they couldn’t help but feel like this was a huge mistake….
Need More? Check out SciFi Ideas, or check out some of the other articles written for writing inspiration
Written by MrXanadu.