OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


February Game Summary Extended *UPDATED*

Hello all.

The February summary game summary has been extended another week (it now ends on the 21st) due to the lack of submissions. I have only had one submission for the summary, that’s one game (not counting my own). Please submit a game for the summary, the original page with the submission form can be found here. If I cannot get any more submissions the summary will be cancelled, and I’d rather not cancel. The Game Summaries are meant to give other players from both on and off site to see what your game is about, it’s an opportunity to showcase the talent of you and your members, and an opportunity to advertise your game!


*I have gotten only one more submission, I cannot run the post with only two submissions. PLEASE submit, this is a great way to advertise and display your talent! I also enjoy running these and am more than a little disappointed at the distinct lack of submissions lately*