OngoingWorlds wins excellence in innovation award
Yes that’s a photo of me with the award that OngoingWorlds has won this year, awarded to us by Obsidian Portal, who announced it at their panel at Gencon earlier this year.
Obviously the folk at Obsidian Portal recognise what a great website OngoingWorlds is, and I’m so very pleased that all the hard work I’ve put in has got an award. But tbh the best thing about OngoingWorlds are you the members who’ve put in so much effort into writing excellent stories in your roleplaying games!
But the trophy’s MINE! 😛
Below I’ll put some close-up photos of the trophy, the 2nd one is on my shelf where it’ll live, to remind me that OngoingWorlds is an award-winning website! I suppose this gives me bragging rights now doesn’t it? I can say “ – an AWARD WINNING website”