Big Ideas Week on SciFi Ideas
The website SciFi Ideas ( is planning a special event this February. “Big Ideas Week” will celebrate the website’s 1-year anniversary by posting lots of new ideas and articles, and encouraging readers to take part.
I caught up with the creator of SciFi Ideas, Mark Ball. Here’s what he had to say…
What is SciFi Ideas?
The idea behind SciFi Ideas is simple. Too many great ideas go to waste. Sometimes they come to you in the middle of the night and you forget to write them down. Sometimes they stay in your head for months and eventually transform into something too big and unwieldy to use. Perhaps you just have so many great ideas that you don’t have time to use them all. We want to rescue these unused ideas and use them to inspire other writers.
We also want to help writers promote themselves by encouraging them to share some of the ideas that didn’t quite make it into their stories or books, and even some of those that did.
It’s all about the free exchange of ideas, and encouraging people to write great science fiction.
“Big Ideas Week” is just an extension of this. We’ll be doing what we do throughout the year, only on a bigger scale. We’ll be posting lots of fresh content to the site, and we’ll be encouraging others to share some of their own ideas too.
Why “Big Ideas Week?”
SciFi Ideas has been around for a year now and we’ve had some great articles, but while some of them do contain raw ideas most have been about offering advice or information to science fiction writers. I thought it was about time we really started focusing on what SciFi Ideas is all about – IDEAS! Ideas for stories, ideas for planets, ideas for alien races.
We’ve got some pretty big articles in the making, and some of them link up (a story idea that links to one of our existing ‘planet profiles’, for example). That’s where the “big” comes in.
How can people take part?
Just go to our ‘Contribute’ page, read the information there, and email us your article.
If your idea isn’t fully formed yet, or you think it’s too small to write an article about, send it to us anyway and we’ll add it to the pot. The event might be called “Big Ideas Week” but we’re publishing some smaller ideas too.
You can also post smaller ideas on our Facebook page. I’d love to get some discussions going on there.
If you’d like to use this as an opportunity to promote yourself, your website or your play-by-post game, you can. Just put a link and some information at the bottom of your article and we’ll publish it along with the rest.
Please note; we only publish articles and ideas related to science fiction, not fantasy or horror (although I appreciate that there is sometimes crossover).
When does “Big Ideas Week” start?
“Big Ideas Week” begins on the 20th of February. That’s when we’ll start publishing our fresh content. You can submit articles any time before then, or during the week itself.
Don’t let your ideas go to waste!