OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Flashback week roundup

The OngoingWorlds event “Flashback week” has now ended. But this doesnt mean you have to stop writing your flashbacks!

The event encouraged you to write a flashback to your character’s past, to possibly explain something about your character for the purpose of character building. You can find the original article explaining flashback week here. Also for some inspiration and encouragement I posted an article with 10 ideas for a character flashback and also 7 movies that use flashbacks to show more of the plot, or better develop a character.

I was contacted by many people who took part and created their own flashbacks, including:

Unfortunately I didn’t plan any event where we got feedback from all the games that took part, next time we could run some sort of competition, “Best flashback post” or something similar, so that people are awarded for their efforts, and also so that we can tell how many people are taking part.

Mostly, it got a lot of people talking about it, and I wanted to thank some people for helping me spread the word, including:

Thanks guys!

Its unfortunate though that I didnt start advertising the event until the day before,  which meant that I didnt get the news into any of the big RPG news websites, and the momentum of the news didn’t really spread until later on in the week. This meant that the week was almost over by the time a lot of people heard about it. I’ve learned that if I did this again I need to warn people a few weeks before!

I might promote a similar event later on in the year, and I already have plans for another Flashback week at the same time next August!